Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January 12th, 2014

4 years ago my heart was forever broken. I still have chest pains every day since that day. I still struggle with PTSD every day. What took years and years to build took 30 seconds to tear apart. Parents lost all their children, children lost all their parents, volunteers lost their spouses, and many that didn't lose their life lost their arms or legs. People that already had nothing to lose- lost everything. those that perished will be forever missed, but the survivors live on to see a brighter day. I still have plans to go back to help, I want to use my law degree to help rebuild this beautiful country better than it was before, and I believe it will be. There is no reason this country so rich in resources and in culture should suffer any longer. the legal structure that has been missing all these decades needs to be rebuilt and enforced: building codes, child welfare, human rights, employment rights, access to education, criminal justice, housing rights, land use, real estate, this list goes on and on and on. It's been 4 years and the progress has been immense, those that perished did not die in vain, Haiti finally got the attention it deserved and it will prosper.

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